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In the early days of Cloud computing, the common perception was that the Cloud automatically opens systems to new, catastrophic risks. When weighing the pros and cons of moving to the Cloud, business owners assumed they were sacrificing security for the business agility that comes with using Cloud systems. Yet, as Cloud adoption becomes more universal, these high levels of adoption are actually seeing an increased level of trust in Cloud computing systems, which begs the question: Can the Cloud lead to more secure computing?

Traditional Network Security

Traditionally, organizations have used on-premises security solutions or contracted with network security experts to protect their network, data, and applications. Data centers imbue a sense of security and control for businesses – feeling more secure is likened to locking down a warehouse and visualizing that anything within the walls of the organization is safe. There’s no question, then that businesses feel an inherent unease with the Cloud concept, because the approach itself seems insecure; your data is stored on servers and systems you don’t own or control. Yet, does control necessarily equate to security?

The Cloud is Just as Safe as On-Premises Security

IT security experts are claiming that fears of the Cloud being unsafe can largely be put to rest. In fact, the Cloud may actually be able to improve the state of IT security. Many Cloud  security experts dispel the Cloud insecurity myth. Many believe the Cloud is  more secure than traditional systems. So, can your business trust your Cloud Service Provider (CSP) to also handle network security?

Which Platform is Right for Your Business?

The answer depends on your needs as a business. Cloud providers can give end users a flexible infrastructure hosted from reliable systems, but your network can become compromised just as quickly by bad policy decisions as an on-premises environment. Speed of incident response and depth of forensics are just as important in preventing security attacks in the first place – the Cloud shows advantages in both of these areas. If you choose to go with the Cloud, make sure you are communicating with your Cloud provider to ensure they are meeting security standards.

In conclusion, IT security experts have agreed that Cloud systems are not inherently unsafe, but businesses still must exercise good judgment when it comes to developing a plan for network security. The best course of action is to focus on a well-defined and executed security strategy with the right technology with whichever platform you choose. If your organization needs guidance learning more about network security, contact your trusted IT advisor today.